خط مش طبيعي..من زين الأردن..التحويل ب10 و شراؤه ب5 دنانير

عمرك بين 18 و 24 ولسه ما عندك خط مش طبيعي؟ لحّق حالك واشترك هلأ لأنه التحويل بـ 10 دنانير. وإذا بدك تشتري خط جديد بكلفك 5 دنانير بس!
مش طبيعي شو قوي
خط مش طبيعي
مزايا العرض
الإشتراك الشهري | 5 دنانير |
مكالمات زين | 3000 دقيقة مجانية |
مكالمات الشبكات الأخرى | 60 دقيقة مجانية |
الرسائل النصية القصيرة | 60 رسالة نصية قصيرة |
في حالة إستهلاك الدقائق المجانية والرسائل النصية ستكون تعرفة المكالمات كما يلي:
مكالمات زين | 3 قروش |
مكالمات الشبكات الأخرى | 3 قروش |
الرسائل النصية القصيرة | 3 قروش |
التحقق من رصيد الدقائق المجانية والمكالمات
• مكالمات زين: الضغط على #1*120*
• مكالمات الشبكات الأخرى: الضغط على #2*120*
• رصيد الرسائل النصية أرسل "MT" إلى 90090
طريقة الإشتراك:
- لزبائن زين الحاليين : الضغط على #220* ثم إدخال الرقم الوطني وتاريخ الميلاد، تكلفة التحويل وإشتراك الشهر الأول هي 10 دينار.
- للزبائن الجدد: عند شراء خط عادي من زين يقوم المشترك بالشحن ثم يضغط على #220* ثم يقوم بإدخال الرقم الوطني وتاريخ الميلاد، حيث سيتم خصم 5 دنانير رسوم إشتراك الشهر الأول.
مواقع لعمل الايميل المؤقت

Top Temporary Mailbox services
1. SpamBox - By using this mailbox one can create a temporary e-mail address that will expire in the time that the user chose, all the mails are directed to this e-mail and will be transparently forwarded to real e-mail of the user. User can select time from 30mins to one year.
2. 10 Minute Mail - As the name itself suggests, it allows the user to create a disposable email ID with a time period of 10 minutes. The e-mail address will expire after 10 minutes.
3. Mailinator – is a tool that allows users to create an on-the-spot email identity that provides anonymity and fights web inertia in one easy step. The given mailbox will hold 10 messages at once.
4. GuerillaMail -It provides users with a temporary inbox for a time period of about 15 minutes.
5. Temporary Inbox – is yet another simple and easy to use temporary email service that gives you an email address in different formats.
6. mytrashmail.com – Allows users to choose any name he/she wants. The mails will stays to between 5 to 30 days in your account and can hold up to 4MB of emails but the email size is limited to 2MB per email.
7. SpamGourmet – It is yet another service which provides you with a temporary email addresses.
8. Mint Email –MintEmail provides users with a temporary disposable email address with a validity of four hours and also has automatic email verification.
9. Jetable.org – This mail service provides you with a temporary email address with a life span of one hour to one month. As soon as it is created, all the emails sent to this address are forwarded to your actual email address. This address will be deactivated after the lifespan you selected comes to its end.
10. MailCatch -It is an email service that allows you to create temporary disposable mailboxes, in a completely anonymous way. After creating temporary email ID,user has to go to MailCatch website to access those messages.
11. Incognito Mail – This email service allows their users to create a temporary e-mail account that will last 60 Minutes. Enough time to receive e-mails that contain activation or download links, and to reply to e-mails that ask for confirmation.
12.Mail Expire – allows their users to create a free email alias for themselves. For a period they choose, from 12 hours to 3 months, anything sent to this email alias will be passed on to them at their actual email address.
13.spamfree24.org – This is a solution in every situation where you have to enter your email address and cant be sure if it will be stored by reliable websites or play directly in the hand of spammers. Uses multiple domains, “mails will be temporarily stored for a few hours”.
14.Pook Mail – is a multi-language temporary email inbox service that gives an email address in the format e.g. something@pookmail.com
15. MailNull - This email service that provides a free anti-spam-mail service to help you take control over your email. With your MailNull account, you can give out a separate temporary email address to every company which asks you for one.
16. eMailMiser - It allows users to create as many read-only email accounts as they like. Use these accounts once or continue to use them for as long as you’d like. The accounts continue to collect email message they receive for as long as they keep coming.
17. tempomail.fr – this mail service lets you to create temporary email addresses valid from 4 hours to 1 month. Daily temporary email address creation, which appends the current date and month to your chosen email address.
18.MailEater -It provides free disposable email address for you to use. This temporary email can be used once or as many times as you need.
Note : No Signup is necessary and its completely Free.
19. SpamhOle -It allows you to create a temporary email address;in the format as mention nameyoupick@spamhole.com. For the number of hours that you choose, all email to nameyoupick@spamhole.com address is automatically forwarded to your regular email address.
20. spamavert.com – Disposable, one-time e-mail adresses for everyone. e-mail valid for 7 days. Mail size is limited to 5 megabytes. Users can choose the email address. Firefox addon available.
21. Fake Mail Generator – On visiting this site you will notice that a random mail address is saved to your clipboard. Paste (Ctrl-V) it into any form on a website. Supports custom addresses. Changes the domain frequently in order to prevent the address from being banned.
22. KasMail – provides you a disposable address. You can choose its expiration date: in a few days, weeks, months or never. Use the address. As needed: extend its lifespan, lock it, unlock it, make it or let it expire.
23. SpamMotel -Another way to fight with email spam is to download the spammotel and you are ready for free spam control. There is no need to change your current e-mail account because it is web-based.
24.Hidzz – Every time you register to a website it will create a free temporary email address on hidzz.com and give this address to that website. Your address will remain valid for a time period of 5 days.
25. ShortMail -(Short-Term Disposable Email Account System). Get your spam free Disposable Email ID in the form anything@shortmail.net
26.Dead Address –It instantly create a disposable email address that you can use when you need to verify registrations by email. Once you are finished with your disposable address simply delete it.
27.YOPMail– YOPMail is a different kind of disposable email service, where you can create email addresses without even visiting the site, simply use username@yopmail.com. Only thing to note is that the username should be unique as anyone can see the mails received to the particular username.
28. saynotospams –These are the disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 15 Minutes. One can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.
29. MailCatch – An email service that allows you to create temporary disposable mailboxes, in a completly anonymous way. Access email via rss feeds. Emails will fade away with time(this can range from a few hours to a few days depending on the traffic).
30. emeraldwebmail.com – disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 30 Minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.
31. Melt Mail – With Melt Mail, you only give your unique Melt Mail address (which forwards to your own), get the desired information and after a defined time period (the melting point) the Melt Mail address will be deleted. Time limit ranges from 3 to 24 hours.
32. Emailzorz – Select your user name or get a random user name. Multiple domains.
33. No Click email – Automatic and random email creation : all the mails directed to this email will be displayed on the website.
34. Spam bog – Invent an eMail alias and use these immediately, where you need it! Register simply something@spambog.com. Read eMails remain 7 days, eMails can be held until 90 days. RSS and Atom feeds. Multiple domains. Firefox addon.
35. Gish Puppy – With GishPuppy, you can easily create a different GishPuppy email each time you register on the web. You can also cancel GishPuppy emails whenever you want, or set them to automatically expire after a certain amount of time. This is important because if that GishPuppy email “accidentally” gets in the hands of SPAMMERs, you can cancel it without affecting anyone else. Your private email is safe, and all your other web registrations are still available.
36.Sneak email – Mail sent to Sneakemail address is rerouted to your real address, and when you reply it is rerouted back to the sender. Your real address is never seen. Has a monthly bandwidth limit of 10MB.
37. 4warding – create your disposable email address (alias), all the emails sent to this alias are forwarded to your private email address. If an alias is ever spammed, simply dispose of it. Multiple domains.
38. Temporary Forwarding – You can create an email address @temporaryforwarding.com, which forwards all mails to your private email account. As soon as you recognize that you receive spam, you can delete the forwarding and create a new one.
39. 20minutemail – the mail received at the website would automatically be passed to your main email address (or another address of your choice).
40. Email Bugmenot Another good disposable email service where emails are auto deleted after 24 hours.
41.GreenSloth requires no registration, receive-only, e-mail expires automatically after a week.
42. AnonInbox requires no registration, simple, no frills.
43. spam jackal – gives you a disposable e-mail addresses which expires after 30 Minutes. You can receive, read and reply to e-mails that are sent to your temporary e-mail address within the time available.
44. Incognito Mail – secure, anonymous, temporary and disposable e-mail account that’ll last 60 Minutes.
45. dodgeit – Pick a throwaway address, say: deeznuts@dodgeit.com. Give that address out whenever you need to. Check deeznuts from homepage of dodgeit.com. Subscribe to RSS feed to keep an eye on the mailbox. Get it? For free accounts: mail deleted after 7 days.
46. DontReg is one bigger, better, faster and safer temporary email inbox solution.
47.Spamex – With Spamex Disposable Email Addresses you can safely provide a working email address to anyone and not have to worry about whether they will send you unwanted email or sell your email address to others.
48. Mailmoat - lets you take your email address BACK from the bad guys! Block the disgusting, repetitive spam; go ahead and give your email address where YOU want, and still avoid being added to their lists of victims for bulk UCE.
49. Mailquack – is a revolutionary new email service used to avoid annoying spam in your real inbox. When you sign up for quick services, forums, free information, ect give them a QUACK address.
50. Clixser – This site is an automatic Free Disposabe Email solution where you don’t have to click. When you visit this site the above generated email address is automatically saved to your clipboard.
51. Slopsbox – Slopsbox is your temporary mailbox, the e-mail address you use to register for random services. It’s a long-finger up the butt to spammers who wants your real e-mail.
52. Dot – This aprovides you a free disposable email addresses with your own domain.
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