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الرابط هنا
المصداقية في مدونتي: لم تظهر لدي التجربة على فيس بوك كما في الصورة السابقة
و لكن في المواقع الأجنبية ظهرت لديهم
صراحة لأنني مبتدئ على الموقع
هذا الشرح بالإنجليزي:
How to Earn Points
There are 4 different ways to earn points.
#1 Earn Points by Following, Liking, etc.
In order to earn points this way just click on one of the Tabs to the
left of this page. If you're wanting to Like YouTube videos for Points
then click on the "YouTube Likes" tab. From there you will either be
instructed on how to continue or you will receive a list of videos to
interact with. The "Points" listed under each page is how many points
you will receive for Liking that video.
#2 Earn Points by Buying Them
If your time is important to you then this might be the best option for you. You can purchase points by going to this page.
All points purchased will be added to your account within 24 hours of
your payment clearing. We accept both PayPal and Google Checkout.
#3 Earn Points by Referrals
You can earn points for telling your friends, family or customers about
YouLikeHits. Just use your "Referral Link" when sending then to the
site. You will receive 100 Points for each person that signs up to
YouLikeHits from a different internet connection. They must earn some
points and use YouLikeHits for a little while before you get your points
#4 Earn Points by Daily Bonus
We also offer a daily bonus each day. You can earn this daily bonus
just by logging in every day. The green link is right below this page.
How do I get Followers, Likes?
In order to get Followers, Likes, etc you must have points saved up.
You'll also need to have your account, page, etc attached to your
YouLikeHits account. To add your content hover over the section that
relates to what you want to add and click on the
. For example if you want to add a YouTube Video to get Likes then just hover over the
in the "YouTube Likes" tab. Once you add content to your account make
sure to set a "Payout". We will explain what a "Payout" is in the next
What is a Payout?
A Payout is how many points you're willing to spend per follower, like,
etc. For example if you set your Payout to 10 on a YouTube Video then
you will spend 10 Points for each Like you receive. The higher your
Payout is the faster you will gain followers, likes, etc. The lower
your Payout the slower you will gain followers, likes, etc. Make sure
to turn off your Payout if you don't want to spend points. It's also
important to note that all activity will be logged on your History page.
عليك التسجيل على الرابط أولا هنا
2 التعليقات:
شكرا على الموضوع
شكرا على الموضوع..))
إرسال تعليق
أهلاً و سهلاً بكم، إرشيد الجرايدة يحييكم: