مختصر الشرح بالعربي:
عليك تحميل البرنامج على كمبيوترك و كذلك تحميل النسخة المانسبة لنوع موبايلك ثم عمل اتصال بين الكمبيوتر و الموبايل
الشرح بالإنجليزي:
Are you planning to buy a new webcam for your pc ?
You can simply make your camera mobile phone to work as a webcam.Using
bluetooth and usb you can connect your mobile with your pc and enjoy
video calls which works on almost all clients like
skype,yahoo,msn,facebook etc.
How to Use Mobile phone as Webcam :
Smartcam is a simple but powerful software which can do this work for us.
How to Use Mobile phone as Webcam :
Smartcam is a simple but powerful software which can do this work for us.
- Download smartcam for both your mobile and pc .
Download Link for mobile :
For s60v3 mobile phones :(nokia,samsung)
s60 3rd edition mobiles
For s60v2 mobile phones :(nokia,samsung)
s60 2nd edition mobiles
For jar phones:(sony and other phones)
jar version
For windows mobiles:(HTC)
Windows version
For android mobiles:
Android version
Download Links for computer :
For windows :(xp,vista,7)
For Linux:
2.Install the software and connect them using bluetooth and Now you can use mobile phone as webcam.
Mobiola is the advanced software which will let us to connect pc and mobile via USB cable.

s60 3rd edition mobiles
For s60v2 mobile phones :(nokia,samsung)
s60 2nd edition mobiles
For jar phones:(sony and other phones)
jar version
For windows mobiles:(HTC)
Windows version
For android mobiles:
Android version
Download Links for computer :
For windows :(xp,vista,7)
For Linux:
2.Install the software and connect them using bluetooth and Now you can use mobile phone as webcam.
Mobiola is the advanced software which will let us to connect pc and mobile via USB cable.
It works only for s60v3 mobile phones.Inorder to use this in your mobile you need to purchase it
or if you want to use it for free then follow these steps :
( Crack your symbian : refer here for cracking a mobile phone. )
2.Download Mobiola software for both your mobile and computer from here :
2.Download Mobiola software for both your mobile and computer from here :
3.Install them in your mobile and computer respectively.
4.Connect your mobile with the computer through USB data cable .
5.From your mobile open the software and select the camera type.
6.Open the software from your computer .
Now you can video chat and use mobile phone as webcam from any client like yahoo , skype etc.
3 التعليقات:
شكرا على الموضوع..))
انا موصل الهاتف بالكمبيوتر عن طريق الكابل ومفيش توصيل تم موجود بلوتوث وواى فاى بس
انا موصل الهاتف بالكمبيوتر عن طريق الكابل ومفيش توصيل تم موجود بلوتوث وواى فاى بس
إرسال تعليق
أهلاً و سهلاً بكم، إرشيد الجرايدة يحييكم: